Oct 21, 2010

Some Old Works... Self Portraits

 Good ole Self Portraits!!!

I was forced... kicking and screaming... to complete this self portrait in a drawing class at COA. So whats the big deal you ask???? Its on a 4'x8' sheet of luan board. I forgot how long it took to do, but it seemed like I had to stare at myself for a long, long time. I learned a lot- but I still don't understand why a self portrait. I could imagine plenty of other decent faces I wouldn't have mind having on a 8' tall board. Like Johnny Depp, or Brad Pitt, I mean I could have at least enjoyed studying bone structure, alignment and proportions much more! I did learn a lot doing this project and the instructor was one of my favorites.

Black Latex Paint for all the dark areas
followed by a whole lot of Pencil & Charcoal

This piece now is installed in my dads garage on his ceiling. Talk about keeping an eye on things!

Yeaaaa... another portrait!

Ok- so I had more fun with this one. For one thing it's a lot smaller.

Heritage Portrait - Acrylic on Canvas

I can't remember exactly what the instructor wanted but I think we had to paint ourselves as something else. I chose my Native American heritage with an Outer Banks Setting. The portrait was taken from my high school senior portrait. I was already really tan since it was taken at the end of summer- so I just enhanced the look with a buckskin outfit, beaded necklace and feather adorned hair pieces.

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